A lot of the basics in this post are derived from this very good presentation by Scott Spendolini (Secure Apex Development).
In this presentation Scott basically shows how to use a separate schema, i.e. separate from your actual data schema, for building Apex applications. This shadow schema, as he calls it, contains just read only views and synonyms to table API packages in the data schema.
The problem with his approach, in my opinion, is that you miss a lot of the default (multi) row processing of Apex.
So, I modified the model slightly and use updatable views in combination with instead of triggers.
Some people are very opposed to instead of triggers. In my case, the triggers still use the Apex generated table API package (accessable via Create PL/SQL - Methods on Tables in SQL Workshop). There doesn't have to be any other code in the triggers than this.
For this to work properly, the view has to have all the columns of the base table. If you select only a few columns of the base table, it will get a bit more complicated. The reason is that the Apex generated API will nullify a column when a no value is passed to the update procedure.
So, the view on the EMP table will be created as:
create or replace view emp_v as
select *
from emp;
The Apex generated API package for table EMP is (I only display the insert procedure here):
-- create procedure for table "EMP"
procedure "INS_EMP" (
"P_EMPNO" in number,
"P_ENAME" in varchar2 default null,
"P_JOB" in varchar2 default null,
"P_MGR" in number default null,
"P_HIREDATE" in date default null,
"P_SAL" in number default null,
"P_COMM" in number default null,
"P_DEPTNO" in number default null
The instead of insert trigger on the view emp_v will then be:
instead of insert ON EMP_V for each row
pkg_emp.ins_emp (
p_empno => :new.empno,
p_ename => :new.ename,
p_job => :new.job,
p_mgr => :new.mgr,
p_hiredate => :new.hiredate,
p_sal => :new.sal,
p_comm => :new.comm,
p_deptno => :new.deptno
This is all very structured, and therefore easily generated with another code generator. But more about that in my next post.
One of the main reasons to use table API's is to centralize business rules in one place. You can modify the generated Apex package to add you business rules.
Now, I don't like the idea of modifying any Apex generated code.
The solution is to create a second package on top of the Apex generated package. This custom package calls the procedures in the API package. Since this is your own code, you can program business rules in this second package.
Suppose you call your package pkg_emp_br. The insert procedure in this package body will look like
CREATE OR REPLACE package body pkg_emp_br is
procedure ins_emp (
p_empno in number,
p_ename in varchar2,
p_job in varchar2,
p_mgr in number,
p_hiredate in date,
p_sal in number,
p_comm in number,
p_deptno in number
) is
-- Add business rules code here before calling table API.
pkg_emp.ins_emp (
p_empno => p_empno,
p_ename => p_ename,
p_job => p_job,
p_mgr => p_mgr,
p_hiredate => p_hiredate,
p_sal => p_sal,
p_comm => p_comm,
p_deptno => p_deptno
end ins_emp;
If there are no insert business rules, you can leave the package like it is now.
The instead of triggers will have to be modified to call procedures in this custom package, instead of calling the table API's directly.
instead of insert ON EMP_V for each row
pkg_emp_br.ins_emp (
Now, let's add a business rule to the custom package:
there can only be one PRESIDENT
Modify the insert procedure:
procedure ins_emp (
p_empno in number,
p_ename in varchar2,
p_job in varchar2,
p_mgr in number,
p_hiredate in date,
p_sal in number,
p_comm in number,
p_deptno in number
) is
v_count integer;
v_president constant emp.job%type := 'PRESIDENT';
-- Add business rules code here before calling table API.
-- There can only be one PRESIDENT
if p_job = v_president then
select count(1)
into v_count
from emp
where job = v_president;
if v_count > 0 then
raise_application_error(-20000,'There can only be one president');
end if;
end if;
pkg_emp.ins_emp (
p_empno => p_empno,
p_ename => p_ename,
p_job => p_job,
p_mgr => p_mgr,
p_hiredate => p_hiredate,
p_sal => p_sal,
p_comm => p_comm,
p_deptno => p_deptno
end ins_emp;
If you try to add a new employee with job PRESIDENT, you will get an error:
Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 1, ORA-20000: There can only be one president ORA-06512: at "HR.PKG_EMP_BR", line 53 ORA-06512: at "HR.IIR_EMP_V", line 2 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'HR.IIR_EMP_V', insert into "HR"."EMP_V" ( "EMPNO", "ENAME", "JOB", "MGR", "SAL", "COMM", "DEPTNO") values ( :b1, :b2, :b3, :b4, :b5, :b6, :b7)
If the EMP table changes, the Apex package can be regenerated without problems. Your custom package will have to be modified accordingly.
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